sâmbătă, 20 august 2011

Literatura lizibilã, ca sã o desemnez cu un epitet care îi place catolicului Watson, e infinitã. Aşa se face cã Brennan recomandã ‘Cimentul’ lui Gladkov—iar Gass, romanul din ’54 al lui Lewis. Castle recomandã frumuseţea, subtilitatea şi încântarea romanelor lui Kate O’Brien.
Dna. Lessing scrie despre Vesaas şi o carte pentru copii a lui de la Mare.
Dna. Tyler recomandã cartea Dianei Vreuls, una de David Plante (‘Familia’), ‘Buletin’ de Esfandiary, scrieri de David Black. Trevor recomandã povestirile cu fantome ale lui LeFanu, ‘Voci seara’ de Dna. Ginzburg; Bellow—‘Casa …’ Christinei Stead şi ‘Brigada sardã’ de Lussu, Vidal recomandã mai multe cãrţi de Wilder.
Propun un test fezabil oricui bombãne cã unele cãrţi sunt prea cunoscute, iar altele prea puţin: reprezentaţi—vã situaţia inversã! Dacã Bonciu ar fi Rebreanu—şi invers. Sau dacã Foarţã ar fi Stãnescu—iar Ciocârlie, Preda! E cazul erorii lui Lovinescu—cu tandemul Brãescu\ Caragiale. Sau, mai departe, Matei C. şi Rebreanu.

Cartea lui Perrin include articole despre scrieri ale lui Ch. Williams, Henry Adams, fraţii Strugaţki, Beagle, Read, Howells, Bramah, Jacobs, Pagnol, Beyle, Barbellion, Cabell, C.S. Lewis, de la Mare, Stark, Newby şi Graves. Adicã, autori insuficient de cunoscuţi pe scara blocului.

‘James Kelman's 'A Chancer' - a study of existential ennui set in working class Glasgow - I read it once a year and never fail to be touched by its depiction of everyday mundanity which somehow grips the heart and feeds the soul’

‘For a few years I read and re-read them because they captured a certain emotional atmosphere that other writers either don't experience or don't talk about and perhaps only baby boomers who grew up with their parents' experience of the war as part of their emotional environment recognize now; the sense of alienation is reminiscent in part of Charlotte Bronte's 'Villette', which also addresses emotional states not evoked in any other novel I know’

‘I have read The Wonders of the Invisible World, a collection of short stories by David Gates, several times’

‘I thought that Hilda Lessways was even better than Clayhanger’

‘'Travel Light' by Naomi Mitchison is a very sweet, short book which finds its way off my shelf and into my hands quite regularly, and 'Invitation to the Waltz' by Rosamond Lehmann is another favorite’

‘I do often re-read 'Testament of Youth' by Vera Brittain, though, and would definitely recommend it as one of those books that speaks for a whole generation […] I read it last year again for the first time in several years and it was a very emotional re-read: one of those situations where you just pick up the right book at the right time’

‘If Carr had been Russian, this would be up there in the great short novel pantheon in the sky’

Literatura şi redresarea minţii, funcţia de redresare a gândirii.

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